
September 18, 2019 Statement
"That is why the Office of Inspector General’s new report was so alarming. It confirms our worst fears: that intentional policy choices by this administration created what I would call a mental health crisis with children, which the OIG said that HHS and ORR—the Office of Refugee Resettlement—failed to address. It is a crisis of deliberate, government-sanctioned child abuse."
September 10, 2019 Statement
"I believe that CRS’s work is unique and needed, especially at this time in our nation’s history. Unfortunately, the Trump Administration does not appear to agree with this assessment."
July 25, 2019 Statement
"With these more reasonable budget caps, we can undertake an orderly appropriations process to invest in critical domestic priorities For the People."
July 25, 2019 Statement
"Our own constitution, federal law, and several international agreements serve as the foundation for the rights and protections I believe need to be embodied in our efforts to address the humanitarian crisis we are currently experiencing. Unfortunately, the rhetoric and the policies of this administration have made achieving that balance more difficult, and by all indications have exacerbated our challenges at the border."
July 24, 2019 Statement
"Providing the necessary school buildings and infrastructure for learning is an essential part of the Federal government’s trust responsibility to tribal nations. Funding education construction has been a priority for me and my colleagues on this subcommittee as we crafted our bill. The impact of the condition of school facilities on the educational achievements of students is well-documented. Children need safe and welcoming spaces to be healthy and engaged and ready to learn."
July 24, 2019 Statement
"While we confront a serious humanitarian crisis at our southern border, a culture of dehumanization festers in the very agency charged with keeping us safe and serving as the face of American values to those seeking refuge."
July 24, 2019 Statement
"Chief Provost, every member of this subcommittee is committed to improving our security at the border, but we must do it in a way that is consistent with our national values including a commitment to those in need. Unfortunately, that is not happening throughout your agency. We need to talk about what appears to be a dangerous subculture at the agency that cannot be tolerated and must be addressed."
July 24, 2019 Statement
"OSTP is the interagency science and technology policy coordinator across the Federal Government and has a vital role in advising the President with sound scientific and technological advice. That is a tough job under this Administration. Since January 2017, there has been a consistent effort to undermine the Federal agencies that make the United States the world leader in science and technology. In addition, there seem to have been clear attempts to bury the unbiased research and conclusions of the the scientists who work for the Federal Government."
July 24, 2019 Statement
"Ensuring that children receive the proper care includes meeting physical needs like clothing, bathing, nutrition, health screenings, and education. It also means that we treat vulnerable children and families fleeing war and violence with decency, dignity, and respect. Upholding these responsibilities is a tall order, especially with the Trump Administration."
July 24, 2019 Statement
"The mission of the Office of Refugee Resettlement is to provide care and the expeditious placement for children with sponsors. That is what we are trying to do. That is our job. And, that is the agency’s job. Yet, HHS is clearly not on the same page. They have so obfuscated the goal of this agency, they have lost sight of their goal and mission."
