Ranking Member DeLauro Remarks on Continuing Resolution That Abandons Ukraine

2023-09-30 12:48

House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03) delivered the following remarks on the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024:

Thank you, Mr. Speaker.

We have had 15 minutes to review a 71 page document. A document filed before midnight last night. There has not been any time for staff to review a 71 page document on such an important issue that we are facing. It demonstrates a lack of responsibility, a lack of willingness to have a bipartisan agreement on a Continuing Resolution.

I rise in strong opposition to the bill.

The day before the government shuts down, and the majority is still throwing anything that they can at the wall to see if anything sticks.

House Republicans have already proven they cannot and will not pass a continuing resolution on their own – even one with outlandish spending cuts that could never pass the Senate or be signed into law.

A bipartisan, bicameral solution is the only way forward. I worked on these efforts. Last December, House Republicans decided not to participate. With Senate Republicans, we hammered out a budget for 2023.

The Speaker knows the bipartisan Senate continuing resolution would easily garner a majority in the House of Representatives – yet he refuses to let it go to the floor of the House. What is he afraid of?

So what are we trying instead?

Well, yesterday, Republicans voted to defund our support for allies in the Middle East.

That did not work, so today their target is Ukraine.

Despite the fact that it is the majority’s will – demonstrated several times this week – to provide support for Ukraine’s self-defense.

The Biggs amendment that would strike all Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative funds from the Defense bill failed 104-330. The Gaetz amendment that would have prohibited all funding for Ukraine in the Defense bill failed 93-339. A Greene amendment to prohibit assistance to Ukraine in the State and Foreign Operations bill failed 90-342. And this body voted to separately fund Ukraine after it was stripped from the Defense bill in the darkness of night 311-117.

Mr. Speaker, the appeasement strategy of the far right does not have majority support in this body. Standing with our allies does have support here, which is tried and true American patriotism, justice, freedom and the fight for democracy. That is who we are.

Department of Defense officials recently sent letters to the four corners of Congress. Undersecretary McCord writes, and I quote:

“Without additional funding now, we would have to delay or curtail assistance to meet Ukraine’s urgent requirements, including for air defense and ammunition that are critical and urgent now as Russia prepares to conduct a winter offensive and continues its bombardment of Ukrainian cities.”

He continues, “Delays to additional funding would also be perceived by Ukraine as a sign of wavering U.S. support and likely as a betrayal of our previous commitments. Allies and partners are also unlikely to sustain their increased level of support without clear, continuing U.S. leadership. As you know, Secretary Austin successfully engages over 50 nations every month to press for sustained support. It is crucial that the U.S. continues to lead this global coalition, and we need the resources to underwrite our leadership role.” End quote.

House Republicans have shown they are unwilling and unable to govern. Some have shown they are willing and able to abandon our allies.

It is time for my Republican colleagues to abandon the Gaetz strategy, or the Greene strategy, and try the bipartisan strategy we all know will ultimately conclude the shutdown and fully fund the U.S. government.

A shutdown will hurt families and farmers. Children and servicemembers.

Let us keep the government open.

Let us proceed with a bipartisan bicameral agreement.

And let us continue to support Ukraine’s fight for freedom.

Mr. Speaker, let us get to work.

I reserve the balance of my time.


118th Congress