Chairwoman Kaptur Statement at Hearing on Department of Energy's FY 2020 Budget Request

2019-03-26 11:00

Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), Chair of the Energy and Water Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee, delivered the following remarks at the Subcommittee's hearing on the Department of Energy's fiscal year 2020 budget request:

The Subcommittee will come to order as we begin our first hearing on the fiscal year 2020 budget request. Thank you, Secretary Perry, for being here.

Today’s hearing will focus on the Department of Energy’s budget request. DOE addresses our nation’s most pressing energy, environmental, and nuclear security challenges through transformative science and technology. With those challenges comes opportunity:

• opportunity to make our nation energy secure today and in perpetuity, to drive down energy costs,

• opportunity to address climate change by making energy supplies cleaner and more resilient,

• opportunity to invest in science and innovation that keeps our nation globally competitive, and last but not least

• opportunity to cost-effectively sustain the nation’s nuclear deterrent while simultaneously working for nuclear nonproliferation.

Looking toward fiscal 2020, however, the Trump Administration proposes to cut DOE’s budget by 11 percent, by drastically reducing or eliminating programs critical for our nation’s energy needs and security, while growing our economy by creating jobs as our nation transitions to a clean energy future.

Emblazoned on the President’s budget request are the words, “A Budget for a Better America: Promises Kept, Taxpayers First.” However, the proposals in this request tell a very different story. In fact, the President’s budget request harms America’s energy future, our competitiveness, our consumers, and our economy.

Mr. Secretary, just when I think I can no longer be surprised by this Administration, this budget request hits a new low. And this is just from the small amount that has been made public to date—once again, the budget justification documents we rely on have not been released in full. To say I am disappointed is an understatement.

This request is riddled with backward-looking proposals:

• Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy funding is cut by 86 percent. Notably, EERE is responsible for creating and sustaining American leadership in the transition to a global clean energy economy. Your budget even eliminates the Weatherization Program, which is critical for addressing the hidden pockets of energy asymmetry across our nation.

• The Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy—which invests in the future—is eliminated in your budget despite its history of success. Since 2009, ARPA-E has provided $1.8 billion in R&D funding. 136 of those projects attracted more than $2.6 billion in private-sector follow-on funding to propel our nation toward energy security in perpetuity.

• Funding for the Office of Science is cut by over $1 billion. This program funds research in vital areas, such as advanced computing, biology and environmental sciences, chemistry and materials research. All spur energy innovation that keeps our nation globally competitive and strategically ready in a very competitive and often predatory and even corrupt global marketplace.

The energy future of our country depends on workers in clean energy, coal country, industry, students, teachers, and scientists who rely on DOE’s investments to solve our toughest energy challenges. This request could eliminate over 6,100 jobs in our national lab system alone – something that you, Mr. Secretary, have called a crown jewel. The fallout of this would be drastic given the multiplier-effect on DOE supported jobs is in the range that could double or triple that job fallout. It is no secret that the innovation economy faces fierce international competition, including those with nefarious intent.

With respect to nuclear weapons, this is not a budget that establishes clear priorities with a responsible plan to fund and execute those priorities. Instead, this budget includes massive increases, such as a 12 percent for Weapons Activities alone, which as I have said before is unsustainable.

Sustaining the nuclear deterrent is a national priority, but it must be done in a cost-effective manner. I must express serious concern your request cuts key nuclear nonproliferation programs.

With that, I’ll close my remarks. Thank you, Mr. Secretary, for being here today. We look forward discussing this request with you and adapting it accordingly.

I would like to turn to our Ranking Member, Mr. Simpson for his opening remarks.

116th Congress