Ranking Member DeLauro Floor Remarks on Indo-Pacific Security Funding Bill

2024-04-20 13:18

WASHINGTON — House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03) delivered the following remarks on the House Floor in support of the Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, one of three national security funding bills being considered by the House. A summary of this bill can be found here.

I rise in strong support of the Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriations Act which will provide our allies in the Indo-Pacific region with the support they need to counter China’s aggressive and adversarial posture.

The post-World War order, U.S. leadership and our historic and strong allyship with Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, and the Philippines have created enduring peace and prosperity for much of the region.

Retreating from Asia under the guise of putting “America First” would be a colossal mistake and would yield the fate of democracy and freedom in the Western Pacific to the whims of the autocratic, communist government of the People’s Republic of China.

China is expanding its military capabilities at a rapid pace and is using its influence to suppress dissenters. We have already seen rollbacks of once-ironclad rights and freedoms in places like Hong Kong.

This bill provides $3.9 billion to support Taiwan and other allies and replenish our own equipment stocks as well as $3.3 billion for the AUKUS trilateral security partnership.

The world is watching and waiting to see if the America they know is ready to stand for freedom and democracy, and against tyranny. It is up to us to show them that America, their trusted ally, is right here, and that we have their back. We must show that our word can be counted on.

Xi is watching. Our friends in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, and the Philippines are watching.

I reserve the balance of my time.


118th Congress