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DeLauro at Project 2025 hearing: “Trump’s Project 2025 is a direct attack on teachers and public education.”

September 24, 2024

WASHINGTON — House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Rosa DeLauro (D-CT-03) delivered the following remarks at the Steering and Policy hearing on Trump’s Project 2025:

Extreme MAGA Republicans have no plan to take care of our teachers. As a matter of fact, their plan is to destroy our public schools, to eliminate public education, from K-12 to higher education. That means eliminating the opportunity for our kids to be able to dream their dreams and achieve their aspirations and their hopes.

Trump’s Project 2025 is a direct attack on teachers and public education. Written in their 922-page manifesto is a plot to abolish the Department of Education and end Head Start – a program that has served more than 40 million kids since its founding.

But that is not all. Extreme MAGA Republicans will defund our schools by ending Title I funding for good. Hundreds of thousands of low-income classrooms across all 50 states would lose their teachers.

Project 2025 will roll back protections for LGBTQI+ students. It will divert federal education resources to private school vouchers, privatize student loans, and end loan forgiveness.

The end goal is the destruction of our public schools, making a quality education a privilege of the wealthy and the well-connected rather than a right for every child in America. Trump’s Project 2025 is just one terrible idea after another, and these extremists deserve a failing grade.

You do not have to take this from me – look at their proposed funding bills which we are now considering. House Republicans wrote bills this year that follow Project 2025’s lead by slashing investments in our children’s education, which would be felt in every public classroom across this country. Please understand that this is not a wish list, it is a to-do list.

Joining us today is Rodney Fresh, a public school teacher in Detroit, who teaches in a school where most students qualify for free or reduced lunch. The harm Project 2025 will have for those kids is unimaginable. Rodney, thank you for being here. You are recognized.
