Veteran and Military Service Organizations Oppose the McCarthy Bill

Veterans of Foreign Wars

"The members of the VFW and our Auxiliary hope you will continue to honor the promise made to the men and women who served our country by reinforcing your long-standing support of those who stood in harm’s way. Returning VA to FY22 funding levels will negatively affect millions of Americans across the country and we look forward to working with you to make sure this does not happen."

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and Dozens More

“There are zero guarantees that veterans care is protected in the bill that will soon be before the House of Representatives to raise the debt limit in exchange for spending cuts. And worse, it specifically targets unspent COVID aid that news reports indicate is currently planned to be spent to support veterans’ medical care.”

To view the PDF version of the letter as signed by dozens of veterans and military service organizations, click here.

Paralyzed Veterans of America

"Although ensuring the VA will have the funding needed to meet its fiscal year 2024 needs is our foremost concern, we urge Congress to remember that veterans with significant disabilities depend upon many other Federal services and supports outside of the VA that protect their disability civil rights, employment support, affordable accessible housing, as well as provide benefits that help their families and caregivers. Our responsibility as a nation is to ensure that those who have already sacrificed so much for our way of life are not forced to do so again."